Color Schemes
Colorscheme written in Lua, specially made for roshnivim with Tree-sitter support.
Customizable colorscheme with excellent italic and bold support, dark and light variants. Made to work and look good with Tree-sitter.
A dark color scheme heavily inspired by the look of the Dark+ scheme of Visual Studio Code.
A Lua port of vim-code-dark colorscheme with vscode light and dark theme.
A Neovim theme that highly restores vscode, so that your friends will no longer be surprised that you use Neovim, because they will think you are using vscode.
Material.nvim is a highly configurable colorscheme written in Lua and based on the material palette.
A dark midnight colorscheme with modern Neovim support including Tree-sitter.
A dark charcoal colorscheme with modern Neovim support including Tree-sitter.
Nvcode, onedark, nord colorschemes with Tree-sitter support.
A clean, dark and light Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for LSP, Tree-sitter and lots of plugins.
A comfy Neovim colorscheme for cozy morning coding.
High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro.
A dark and light Neovim theme written in fennel, inspired by IBM Carbon.
A dark color scheme derived from palenight and carbonight.
Oceanic Next theme.
A dark colorscheme with Tree-sitter support.
A colorscheme with handcrafted support for LSP, Tree-sitter.
A port of the great Atom theme. Dark and light with Tree-sitter support.
Light and dark atom one theme.
This is a color scheme developed by Protesilaos Stavrou for emacs.
Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material.
Vim-deus with Tree-sitter support.
Gloom inspired theme.
An Atom One inspired dark and light colorscheme.
A Neovim colorscheme write in Lua.
A spacemacs inspired dark and light colorscheme.
Omni color scheme for Vim.
A 24-bit dark theme with Tree-sitter and LSP support.
A collection of modern Neovim colorschemes: material, moonlight, dracula (blood), monokai, mariana, emerald, earlysummer, middlenight_blue, darksolar.
Monokai theme written in Lua.
Monokai theme that aims to feel like Sublime Text.
Warm colorscheme written in Lua with support for various terminal emulators.
Neovim plugin for building base16 colorschemes. Includes support for Treesitter and LSP highlight groups.
A colour scheme for terminals, Vim and friends.
A nord-esque colorscheme.
Nord for Neovim, but warmer and darker. Supports a variety of plugins and other platforms.
Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette.
NeoSolarized colorscheme with full transparency.
Dark solarized colorscheme using colorbuddy for easy customization.
Solarized colorscheme in Lua (Neovim >= 0.5).
Port of VSCode's Moonlight colorscheme, written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, Tree-sitter and many more plugins.
A One Dark Theme (Neovim >= 0.5) written in Lua based on Atom's One Dark Theme.
GitHub colors leveraging Tree-sitter to get 100% accuracy.
Gruvbox modification with softer contrast and Tree-sitter support.
A green based colorscheme designed to be warm, soft and easy on the eyes.
A Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme.
Lua port of doom-emacs' doom-one.
Famous beautiful dark powered theme.
Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua.
A port of [VSCode Calvara Dark]( Theme to Neovim with Tree-sitter and many other plugins support.
A dark Neovim colorscheme written in Lua. Support built-in LSP and Tree-sitter.
Codeschool colorscheme written in Lua with Tree-sitter and built-in lsp support.
A GitHub theme, kitty, alacritty written in Lua. Support built-in LSP and Tree-sitter.
A 16 bit monochrome colorscheme that uses hsluv for perceptually distinct gray colors, with support for Tree-sitter and other commonly used plugins.
All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist.
A collection of Vim/Neovim colorschemes designed to highlight code using contrasts and font variations.
Warm mid-tone dark theme to show off your vibrant self! with support for native LSP, Tree-sitter, and more 🍨!
A dark, yet vibrant colorscheme.
A soft dark, fully customizable Neovim theme, with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.
A cold, dark color scheme written in Lua ported from [arzg/vim-substrata]( theme.
A minimal Vim theme for night time. Loosely based on vim-monotonic and chrome's dark reader extension. A light theme is included as well for the day time.
A dark, vibrant and beautiful colorscheme written in Lua.
Colorscheme written in Lua based on the [Apprentice]( color pattete with Tree-sitter and built-in lsp support.
Atom's iconic One Dark theme. Cacheable, fully customisable, Tree-sitter and LSP semantic token support. Comes with light and dark variants.
A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes for a more vibrant programming experience.
Gruvbuddy without colorbuddy using Lush.
Color schemes included in `mini.nvim` plugin. All of them prioritize high contrast ratio for reading text and computing palettes in perceptually uniform color spaces.
A modern gruvbox theme with full treesitter support.
A zephyr-esque theme, written in Lua, with TreeSitter support.
Neovim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
A clean dark theme written in Lua (Neovim >= 0.5) and above.
One Monokai theme written in Lua.
A low-contrast dark colorscheme with support for various plugins.
A dark color scheme written in Lua ported from [rsms/sublime-theme]( theme.
A dark color scheme written using Lush. Treesitter supported.
Port of Sublime's Mariana Theme to Neovim for short attention span developers with Tree-sitter support.
A colorscheme with a dark background, and vibrant foreground that is centered around the color brown. A modification of [Kimbie Dark](
A Neovim colorscheme ported from VSCode Dark+ theme with the strict and precise color picking for both the editor and UI.
Pleasant and productive colorscheme.
Two tree-sitter supported colorschemes that are inspired by base16-tomorrow-night and monokai-pro.
A soothing colorscheme with support for popular plugins and tree-sitter.
Colorscheme based on GNOME Adwaita syntax with support for popular plugins.
Neovim port of [poimandres VSCode theme]( with Tree-sitter support, written in Lua.
A soothing dark color scheme with tree-sitter support.
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Neovim theme, based on Nord Palette.
Two tree-sitter supported colorschemes, inspired by oh-lucy in vscode.
A deep inky purple theme leveraging bright colors.
Neon Genesis Evangelion but for Vimmers.
Synthwave x Fluoromachine port.
A modern black Neovim theme with comfortable color contrast for a pleasant visual experience, with LSP and Tree-sitter support.
Theming using pywal, with a Base16 twist.
A Neovim colorscheme written in Lua ported from Dark Flat iTerm2 theme, with LSP and Tree-sitter support.
A colorscheme that features a combination of bright and juicy colors reminiscent of various citrus fruits, with LSP and Tree-sitter support.
Vitesse theme Lua port.
A dark pastel color scheme inspired by the woods. Built using lush and supports Tree-sitter, diagnostics, CMP, Git-Signs, Telescope, Which-key, Lazy, and more.
A light colorscheme inspired by [flatwhite-syntax]( and [elegant-emacs](
A dark colorscheme, which mostly was inspired by the Monokai originally created by Wimem Hazenberg.
A warm green theme.
A dark colorscheme inspired by Inkpot, Jellybeans, Gruvbox and Tokyonight with LSP support.
A dark/light theme based on the Monokai color palette written in Lua, support for LSP, Tree-sitter and lots of plugins.
A [Night Owl colorscheme port from VSCode]( with support for Tree-sitter and semantic tokens.
Dynamically generated colorschemes generated on the fly with a text prompt using ChatGPT.
Accessible theme, conforming with the highest standard for color contrast (WCAG AAA).
Palenight colorscheme supporting Tree-sitter, LSP _(including semantic tokens)_ and lots of plugins.
A high-contrast, futuristic & vibrant coloursheme.
A dark theme written in Lua.